Monday, May 3, 2010

Goodbye Horses

Something in "Goodbye Horses" is producing a mechanical squeaking sound. Am I the only one that hears it?
To me it sounds like a bass drum pedal which hasn't been properly maintained but the noise only seems to appear during the main synth melody- the first one that is played after the song starts. Also, it seems unlikely that a song like "Goodbye Horses" would include instrumentation that isn't synthetic or pre-programmed.
I think it's impossible that the song's producer, William Garvey (who also wrote the song) would have simply not noticed the noise.
This leads me to wonder whether or not this weird little sound was separately included. Maybe it's some kind of electronic artefact that they thought sounded cool and decided not to delete. For whatever reason its there, its main function seems to be to deepen the mystery of this tune which is already pretty weird- but very beautiful.
It's worth looking into.

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