Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Echo and the Bunnymen, Live at the Keswick Theater

Last weekend, my friend who dances with goats- and I- went to see Echo and the Bunnymen live at the Keswick Theater in Glenside. They're currently touring to promote their new album, The Fountain.
I didn't really know about Echo and the Bunnymen until the goat dancer himself introduced me to them a few years ago through their masterpiece, Ocean Rain.
They played some classics, many of which happen to be personal favorites of mine, such as Villiers Terrace, the Killing Moon, and Seven Seas as well as many new gems. They also performed a few covers, some of which were slipped into largely improvised medleys.
Between songs, Ian McCulloch bantered with the audience about such topics as leaning on the stage, acceptable volume for rock and roll concerts, fish, Moses, and American television- particularly ads for Tupperware... Tupperware that "wears your tupp".
While this kind of behavior isn't usually conducive to an awesome concert, its contribution to a show that was fantastic in every other way made it all the more delightful.
Performance: awesome
Sound quality: awesome
Venue (Keswick theater): awesome
Talking to Ian McCulloch about hieroglyphic interpreters and the occupational hazards of being a professional bomb diffuser after the show: awesome.

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